End of Life Care


Saying goodbye to a much-loved pet can be an emotional and heartbreaking experience. Often, as our pets near the end of their lives they can be sick, debilitated, less mobile and/or in pain. We realise that saying goodbye to a beloved pet is one of the hardest things you will ever have to do.

Progressive Vet Care offers a euthanasia service that ensures you and your pet will be shown compassion and understanding during this difficult time.

We offer the option for the appointment to be made in clinic or at your home. This enables you and your family the option to say goodbye to your beloved pet in a place where you feel comfortable.

Our team understands the importance of those final moments with your pet and wants to make sure that if you choose to use our in-clinic services that you are provided with a quiet and private area. Our experienced nurses and vets will provide you with all the information you need whilst remaining sympathetic to the hard choice being made.

What is the process of euthanasia?

Before the appointment your vet will have read your pets history so they can enter into the appointment with an understanding of their circumstance and what brought you into the vet. They will then discuss the treatment and how you would like to proceed - whether you would like to stay in the room until the end or say goodbye before hand.

The procedure itself is very quick, pain free and peaceful.

Your vet and nurse will carefully place an intravenous catheter into your pets vein. There will now be extra time for either your final goodbyes or for final moments together. When you are ready your vet will administer the final injection. Your pet will not feel a thing and will slowly enter into a peaceful sleep.

Your time with your pet is important to us, at this point you are welcome to stay with your pet as long as you need.

How can I prepare for my pet’s euthanasia?

This is an important question to think about, and something you can do prior to your pets old age or any serious illness or injury happen.

After reading about the process of euthanasia and asking your vet or nurses any follow up questions, discuss with your family and friends if you would like to be in the room for the procedure. There is no right answer for this question, every person deals differently with the situation. Being present or not does not change the love you have for your pet.

Another important step to take is discussing the process with your children and explaining the procedure. This can be difficult to do, talking to others who have gone through the same situation or doing some research can help you find the right words.

Plan what you would like to do with the remains after your pet is ‘put to sleep’, whether that be burial, cremation with ashes returned or cremation with no ashes returned. At Progressive Vet Care we work with pet cremation services Bamganie and Eden Hill’s to make sure you have all the options available to you.

Helpful tips

Make sure you and your family celebrate the life you shared with your beloved pet. If you are able spend your last days doing something you enjoyed together, whether that be visiting your favourite place or making a special treat.

Ensure that you have a support system there for you as this decision is never easy. If the euthanasia is planned in advance ask a close friend or family member to accompany you to the appointment.

As always the team at Progressive Vet Care are there to help you. Each member of our team is dedicated in showing you and your family the compassion and support you deserve. Please feel free to call the clinic on 9569 5353 to discuss any questions you may have.